Thursday, November 15, 2012

Did I do THAT?!

This post has has absolutely nothing to do with cooking and everything to do with life's little blunders and the ability to laugh and get joy out of them.   This "blunder" is courtesy of my daughter Robin.  Robin has been dancing all her life (since the age of 2) and dances with a pre-professional ballet company.  As a proud mom, I love to see her perform and see how beautiful and graceful she is on the stage.  Then, there's the other side I also get to see.  Sometimes, it's like she's related to "The Three Stooges" or "Steve Urkel."  Being around her can be quite a riot, and it's never, ever dull. 

So here's the story to explain this little video clip:  my daughter, Robin, was asked by a local church to choreograph a praise dance for some younger children to perform in their Christmas musical.  She had been working on this little dance for a bit and decided to tape it for herself, just so she could see how it looked.  She set up her little camera, and this is what happened.....

Her face says it all....just like the commercial says "Priceless."  Until next time, enjoy the beauties around you and laugh at life's blunders.  It makes life so much more enjoyable that way.

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