Saturday, April 20, 2013

State Fair Funnel Cakes (at home) Oh yeah!

State Fair Funnel Cakes - YUM!!!!
Do you ever get cravings for a certain food?  And you eat and eat and eat and still aren't satisfied because you didn't get what you were craving.  Yeah, me too!  So, guess what I was craving today?  Funnel cakes.  You know the kind that you get at the fairgrounds, I believe it's deep fried sin on a plate.    There's not much better than a great funnel cake unless maybe it's a really great candied apple.  That may be in my near future.  I was really skeptical about making these because, well, sometimes my creations don't come out as planned.  I have to say that when that happens it is REALLY frustrating, but my Momma didn't raise a quitter (a procastrinator, maybe, but not a quitter).   So, I decided to try my hand at funnel cakes and I am proud to say that they were AMAZING!!!  Crispy on the outside and light and chewy on the inside and they were pretty easy to make.  I made them in my little Cuisinart Deep Fryer (that I lucked up on at a Garage Sale a few weeks ago) and they turned out just as good as any State Fair Funnel Cake I've ever had.  Now, all I need is a turn on the Ferris Wheel and I've got it made.  Hope you like this recipe and if you try it, let me know what you think.

State Fair Funnel Cakes
3/4 cup whole milk
1 egg
1 cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons sugar

*Powdered (Confectioners) Sugar to sprinkle on top

Note:  If you have a deep fryer, I recommend using this, if not you can still make these in a deep skillet but use a thermometer to heat the oil to the right temperature.  If you don't, they won't cook properly.  If the oil is too low, they'll be soggy and if it's too high, they will burn.  I also used a squeeze bottle with the tip cut down to make a larger whole.  

Directions:   Preheat oil to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.  While oil is heating mix together ingredients and pour into a squeeze bottle. When oil is heated, drizzle batter into hot oil.  Cook until lightly browned on one side (approximately 90 seconds) and flip over to let other side cook to light brown.  Remove and place on paper towel, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve warm.

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